Craft Casket Co.: Modern Designs for an Old Industry

Matt Henke and Tanner Curtis, master’s of architecture students at the University of Utah, are bringing a unique industry into the modern era — caskets. “In almost all industries, contemporary design takes a portion of the market — whether it’s cars, phones, or even into the more carpentry-based industries of cabinetry and furniture,” Curtis said. […]

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Most-Cited Professor on Campus is an Entrepreneurship Scholar, according to Google

It comes as no surprise that Jay Barney is the most cited professor at the University of Utah, according to Google Scholar. Not after reviewing his work that is. Barney is currently the presidential professor of strategic management, the Lassonde chair of social entrepreneurship and the editor-in-chief for “The Academy of Management Review,” ranked first or […]

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Meet Mehrdad Yazdani: The Lead Designer Who Shaped Lassonde Studios

Looking back to when Lassonde Studios existed solely as an abstract idea, Troy D’Ambrosio, the executive director of the Lassonde Entrepreneur Institute, can vividly recall the process of selecting the building’s architect. For hours, he’d listened to different firms present to his team and show PowerPoints full of images of similar buildings they created. Then […]

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Lassonde Studios, Diversity and How Entrepreneurship Thrives off of Difference

Living at Lassonde Studios is competitive — accepting only 400 residents out of the roughly 1,500 students who apply every year. While the spots are limited, resident activity is not. Residents busy themselves with projects of all sorts. This isn’t a surprise; as the hub of the entrepreneurial program on campus, residents are typically those […]

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