Karem Orrego, a U film and media arts student from Lima, Peru, showed dedication to storytelling by founding the Crisol Film Initiative, “a place to see different experiences, and learn something from them,” Orrego said. “Crisol,” a Spanish word for crucible or melting pot, is an intercultural version of Sundance. Orrego’s successful production congregated intercultural audiences at several Salt Lake City theaters to celebrate a new experience in Latin American film. Contributors included student volunteers, support from KRCL and Peruvian delicacies from Del Mar al Lago Cebicheria Peruana. “Crisol was my first super-big thing,” said Orrego, inspired by support from friends and an acclaimed documentary film, “Memories of My Father,” featured at the 2012 Film and Media Arts Festival. “I want to share stories, I want to share them visually,” Orrego said. At its Urban Arts Gallery opener, one attendee wrote on the interactive mural, “Crisol means being different together.”

New Experience in Latin American Film
Find this article and a lot more in the 2016 “Student Innovation @ the U” report. The publication is presented by the Lassonde Entrepreneur Institute to celebrate student innovators, change-makers and entrepreneurs.