Company Launch

Company Launch Program: Get Startup Support & Resources

Do you have a startup company or idea and need help developing it? Check out the Company Launch program at the Lassonde Entrepreneur Institute at the University of Utah.

Whether you are at the beginning of your business idea or have a full-fledged plan, the Company Launch program is here for you. It doesn’t matter what grade level you are, what degree you’re working towards, your GPA, or even where you live. What does matter? Passion.

3 Things You Must Know

Mitchell Wulfman, student director of Company Launch said, “If you only learn three things about the program, it should be this … :

  1. This program is definitely for you – no matter your idea or what stage you are in. Passion to start a company and the ambition to work hard is a great jumping off point. And if Company Launch isn’t for you, all other resources at Lassonde are available free to all students on campus, so come visit us!
  2. Come as you are. We have a wide range of companies, both non-profit and for-profit, teams making revenue and teams just getting started. The program is designed to help every founder from conception to success.
  3. Start now. While Company Launch takes new companies each semester, The Lassonde Entrepreneur Institute offers thousands of dollars in free grants to start-ups every month, and anyone can apply through the Get Seeded program. There is also free lumber, metal, plastic for 3-D printing and a student-oriented support staff!”

How to Apply

The program takes new applications before each semester. There are about 18 spots for teams that want office space at Lassonde Studios, and the admissions process is very competitive.

The student director and associates interview applicants looking for those with the most passion, excitement to be in the program, and who have a strong work ethic.

Accepted students get access to workspace, tools, saws, drills, sewing machines, a 3-D printer and more. Company Launch student-founders may be offered space in one of the seven glass-enclosed private offices or reserved desk space to work on their start-up located just through the Lassonde Institute’s main entrance.

But, Company Launch’s most valuable resource is the access it offers student-founders to peer learning, hands-on guidance and mentorship from a large network of professionals in various fields.

“We have alumni who are interested in helping you.” Said Wulfman. “There are many professionals including lawyers, marketers, accountants and designers ready to help students pro bono. We have a writing staff ready to tell the world about you.”

This is one of the best environments in the world to give entrepreneurship a try.

For the application and guidelines visit the Company Launch website here.

Student Success is the Goal

“We want students to succeed,” Wulfman said. “We like to work on company ideas. But, the work comes from the founder, their team. 80 percent of your success is the strength of the team.”

The Lassonde Institute has your back – they’re part of your team with hands-on help. Even failure is a success, a learning opportunity.

He said, “This is why this building (Lassonde Studios) exists – for you, to help you. We want students to stay in school and be able to work on their company – to find success, whatever that means to each of them.”

Learn more about the Company Launch program here:

About the Author:

Avatar photo Kelly Longmore is a senior at the University of Utah. She will be graduating spring 2019 with a B.S. in writing and rhetoric.

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