For Undergrad & Graduate Students
Do you want to gain insights and have conversations with seasoned entrepreneurs? The Lassonde Entrepreneur Institute and David Eccles School of Business are offering a new course designed just for you. The course, “Profiles in Entrepreneurship,” is open to all students and feature guest presentations from successful entrepreneurs from around the country.
Register for Classes“This is a unique learning opportunity,” said Kathy Hajeb, an assistant professor (lecturer) at the business school a director at the Lassonde Institute. “Students learn tips and secrets for how to become an entrepreneur and innovator from people who have done it before.”
“Profiles in Entrepreneurship” is open to undergraduate and graduate students from any department. Look for it in the University of Utah course catalog, listed as ENTP 5850 or ENTP 6850. The course is 3 credit hours.
Guest entrepreneurs come from many industries and diverse backgrounds. They share their personal stories insights, struggles and advice. Student have the opportunity to interact with the entrepreneurs and explore topics important to them.
The goal of the course is for students to understand the skills needed to master the entrepreneurial mindset.