Take the Learning Style Quiz
Take this quiz to determine your learning style: http://www.educationplanner.org/students/self-assessments/learning-styles.shtml
Do Some or All of These Sound Like You?
Visual Learners
- Learn by reading or seeing pictures, charts and diagrams
- Understand information through sight – picture what you view in your head later
- Takes detailed notes and may use drawings instead of text
- Like to sit at the front of the class to see information up close
- Often close eyes to visualize or remember something
- You are attracted to color and to spoken language (like stories) rich in imagery.
Study Strategies
- Draw or outline the information you need to remember
- Write down keywords, ideas, or instructions.
- Color code, highlight, circle and underline words in your notes
- Use flashcards to help visualize
- Draw pictures/diagrams to help explain new concepts and then explain the pictures.
Big Takeaway
- Remember that you need to see things, not just hear things, to learn well.
Auditory Learners
- Learn by hearing and listening
- Understand and remember things heard
- Store information by the way it sounds
- Easier time understanding spoken instructions than written ones
- Learn by reading out loud because you have to hear it or speak it in order to know it.
- Tend to repeat things aloud
- Prefer to hear, rather than read, information
Study Strategies
- Read flashcards or note cards out loud
- Read stories, assignments, or directions out loud.
- Record lectures or notes and then listen to recording
- Study new material by reading it out loud
- Participate in group discussions
Big Takeaway
- Remember that you need to hear things, not just see things, in order to learn well.
Tactile Learners
- Learn by doing and solving real-life problems
- “Hands-on” learner who prefers to touch, move, build, or draw what they learn
- Learn better when some type of physical activity is involved.
- Understand and remember things through physical movement
- Often speak with hands and with gestures
- Easily remember things that were done but may have difficulty remembering what you saw or heard in the process.
Study Strategies
- Participate in activities that involve touching, building, moving, or drawing.
- Do lots of hands-on activities like completing art projects, taking walks, or acting out stories.
- Chew gum, walk around, or rock in a chair while reading or studying.
- Use flashcards and arrange them in groups to show relationships between ideas.
- Tap a pencil, shake your foot, or hold on to something while learning.
- Use a computer to reinforce learning through the sense of touch.
Big Takeaway
- Remember that you learn best by doing, not just by reading, seeing, or hearing.
On Campus
- Learning Success Center: http://learningcenter.utah.edu/
- ASUU Tutoring Center: http://tutoringcenter.utah.edu/
- Supplemental Instruction (SI): http://learningcenter.utah.edu/supplemental/index.php
- ED PS 2600: Strategies for College Success: http://learningcenter.utah.edu/strategies/index.php
More Assessments Tools
- How to combat procrastination: http://www.how-to-study.com/procrastination-assessment/
- Improving study habits: http://www.educationplanner.org/students/self-assessments/improving-study-habits.shtml
- Ten Study Habits of Successful Students: http://www.how-to-study.com/study-skills-articles/study-habits-of-successful-students.asp
- How to reduce test anxiety: http://www.how-to-study.com/study-skills-articles/test-anxiety.asp
- Tricks for essay tests: http://www.how-to-study.com/study-skills-articles/studying-for-an-essay-test.asp