No matter what stage your startup is in, you’ll always be looking for money. Ben Lopez, a University of Utah alum and senior associate at Mercato, a growth-stage venture fund, hosted a Lassonde for Life workshop where he walked through what every founder should consider before jumping into a round. Understand the funding ecosystem “It’s […]
Category: Tips & Tricks
Get advice for creating a new product and launching your idea. Our authors are faculty, staff, students and professionals. Read what lessons they can share about ideation, prototyping, company formation, law, marketing and more.
From MBC to Orra: How Two MBC Founders Became Matchmakers, Fighting Superficial Dating Apps
Graduate school is more than just learning facts and theories; it’s about forming connections that will define your future. This is just one of the many themes we heard from professors during our time at the University of Utah’s Master of Business Creation (MBC) program. This certainly was the case for me, D.J. Potter, and […]
Why the MBC is the best graduate degree for entrepreneurs
If you’re an entrepreneur thinking about going to graduate school to learn how to grow your business, you have hundreds of options. Beyond the many schools to choose from, there are numerous degree types. One of the most well-known is the MBA. Others include master’s degrees in fundraising, finance, sales, marketing, innovation management, and many […]
The Best Funding and Programs for Startups (in Utah & Beyond)
Whether your entrepreneurial journey has just started, you’re ready to sell, or you’re somewhere in between, one thing will always be true: you need money. This was the topic of a recent Lassonde for Life workshop, “Funding and Programs for Startup,” led by multi-hyphenate entrepreneur Tim Cooley. As a University of Utah MBA graduate, former […]
How to Make Faster, Better Decisions as an Entrepreneur
No matter what stage of the entrepreneurship journey you’re in, big decisions will always be looming. Morgan Williams Brown, a Master of Business Creation (MBC) graduate and CEO of Blendyd Studios, recently led a Lassonde for Life workshop, “The Cost of Indecision,” to help you escape the “functional freeze” and make the smartest, quickest choice […]
33 Must-Follow Entrepreneur Influencers (on Instagram, TikTok, LinkedIn, Spotify, and More)
With all the time you spend on your phone, you might as well be learning something. We’ve compiled a list of our favorite entrepreneurial influencers – from podcasters to social media stars and everyone in between – to help you get motivated, educated, and inspired. Karen Cahn LinkedIn: Karen Cahn is the Founder and […]
3 Steps to Find Your ‘Why’ as an Entrepreneur
Entrepreneurship requires immense amounts of time and energy – more than you may sometimes feel you can give. David Kale, University of Utah alum and owner of OutsideBox Marketing, said what’s kept him afloat is remembering why he got started in the first place. He led a recent Lassonde for Life workshop, “Find Your ‘Why’ […]
7 Tips for Navigating Conflict as an Entrepreneur
If you’re a student, an early-stage founder, a full-fledged entrepreneur, or just exploring entrepreneurship, one thing connects us all: conflict. In whatever environment or circumstance, you’ve undoubtedly had a disagreement with someone. Lesli Shooter, a performance and well-being coach, advisor, and consultant focused on high-performance and elite sports, sees conflict all the time. In fact, […]
Is There a ‘Scientific Method’ for Startups?
Many debate whether entrepreneurship is simply an art or a science that can be taught. University of Utah faculty member Todd Zenger has an answer: it can definitely be taught as a science, but the scientific approach you choose matters, and through ongoing research, he is exploring the most effective one. Zenger’s professional life has […]
Why All University of Utah Alumni Should Join Lassonde for Life
If you’re a University of Utah alum and have any interest in entrepreneurship – whether you are a serial entrepreneur or just curious – the university has a program for you. The Lassonde for Life program welcomes all University of Utah alumni, regardless of graduation year or major, to an exclusive entrepreneurial resource and support […]