
Join the community of innovators

The University of Utah is known around the globe as a place where great innovation happens. We are recognized for being a national leader for starting new technology companies from university research, the home to Nobel Prize winner Mario Capecchi and an industry pioneer in video-game design … innovation and creativity are part of our culture.

The Innovation Scholar program will help you understand the process of innovation. Through a personalized road map, you will explore solutions to big problems and make big ideas happen in an area of unique interest to you. Get recognized at graduation and on your academic transcript as being an Innovation Scholar. Share your innovation portfolio with future employers, graduate schools and community leaders. Make an impact!

The first step is to register for the Innovation Scholar Road Map class (UGS 3050, HONOR 3050, BUS 3050 or HUM 3050). Throughout the Road Map Class you will explore your goals and passions, learn about the process of innovation, create your own solution-based road map, and create a personalized online portfolio that illustrates your accomplishment.

Invent your future

  • Explore big ideas, problems and questions.
  • Map out how you will make an impact.
  • Put your ideas and education to work.
  • Be recognized as an Innovation Scholar on your academic transcript.

Get Started Here