President’s Message: Student Innovation @ the U 2022

Welcome to “Student Innovation @ the U.” Inside, you will find stories that illustrate what makes University of Utah students some of the most innovative and entrepreneurial anywhere. They continually show initiative and grit by going beyond learning to create, get involved, and improve Utah and the world.

Students at the U receive an inspiring academic experience in a community-based environment where belonging and success go hand-in-hand. They get the opportunity to apply what they are learning in our many labs, centers, institutes, initiatives, and clubs. Our students embrace the U’s entrepreneurial spirit by launching new products and companies every year, and these efforts are one of the reasons why we are ranked as one of the top-10 schools in the nation for entrepreneurship.

You can look through this publication to find out more about what our students are creating. You will read about students inventing products, launching companies, improving lives, building knowledge, and much more. This publication is only a sampling of our many student stories. There are thousands of innovation stories in the works, and our goal is to give students the opportunities and experiences to help write them.

I am always impressed when I see what our students are achieving, and I hope you are, too. They are making an impact before they have even graduated, and I can’t wait to see what they accomplish when they do. After reading about our amazing students, I invite you to get involved in any way you can. See the resource directory in the back of this publication for a list of programs and opportunities to get engaged.

— Taylor Randall, president, University of Utah

More articles like this in ‘Student Innovation @ the U!’

Find this article and a lot more in the 2022 “Student Innovation @ the U” report. The publication is presented by the Lassonde Entrepreneur Institute to celebrate student innovators, change-makers, and entrepreneurs.

Read Report

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