Utah Medical Massage & Wellness: Complementary and Alternative Medicine

Krystal Christensen never thought she’d be an entrepreneur. “It seemed too uncertain and risky,” she said. That all changed when she discovered her passion for massage therapy. Soon after, she launched Utah Medical Massage & Wellness. “Ultimately, I realized I could help more people more effectively by building a company backed by a team of […]

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Proximity: Software Changing the Political Landscape

Proximity is bringing politics back to the people. Becki Wright, a founder in the Master of Business (MBC) program at the University of Utah’s David Eccles School of Business, has worked as a campaign manager, finance director, political consultant, and served in political leadership for a combined total of over a decade. No matter the […]

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23 Must-Watch Movies for Entrepreneurs (on Netflix, Hulu, Amazon Prime, YouTube, Apple TV, Google Play & More)

On your next movie night or slow afternoon, don’t waste time watching trailers for hundreds of different movies just to end up playing old episodes of “The Office.” We compiled the list of best movies for entrepreneurs, so you’ll have the essential watch-list at your fingertips to not only to speed up your selection process, […]

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