Four student startup teams received $7,476.91 in milestone grants at the monthly Get Seeded Final Pitch Event at Lassonde Studios on Feb. 25. See below for a list of teams and their product ideas.
Get Seeded is a monthly milestone grant funding program open to all college students in Utah. The first step is to apply online. Top teams advance to the Final Pitch Event, where they pitch to an audience that votes on who gets funded. All university students in Utah are welcome to apply for grants.
The program is managed by the Lassonde Entrepreneur Institute at the University of Utah and sponsored by Zions Bank.

Quantum Snow
Quantum Snow — $2,471.91
Quantum Snow wants to make every day a powder day! No longer content with the icy crystals that are the current bar for manmade snow, Quantum Snow is designing the perfect powder that imitates the natural crystalline structure of snow. Previously funded to build a prototype to validate the idea, Quantum Snow returned this month to seek funding for a larger scale, more consistent, mobile prototype.

Rexchanger — $1,830
Rexchanger is providing affordable access to outdoor equipment for amateur and avid outdoor enthusiasts. If you have extra equipment lying around or you are only using your bike for the weekend, consider renting out your available equipment for some extra pocket money. Keep an eye out during Cotopaxi’s Questival for a special scavenger hunt task all to do with Rexchanger!

Second Sole
Second Sole — $1,600
Do you play multiple sports? Do you have a family member or child who loves to play soccer and football? Second Sole is planning to revolutionize sports footwear by introducing interchangeable soles. One pair of shoes will be easily adaptable for multiple surfaces, creating an optimum sports experience with only one pair of shoes.

PureWare — $1,575
PureWare is bringing consumers a wholly new option for reusable flatware. The 100 percent recyclable tool will provide users with a traditional, full-size utensil experience from the convenience of your pocket. Previously funded for work on a CAD model and prototype, PureWare will use funding from this round to complete a provisional patent.