Supretec: Building Safe, Affordable Homes in Nigeria

As one of the first founders enrolled in the Master of Business Creation (MBC) Global program, Osho Ademola Joel is revolutionizing accessible and sustainable roofing in Lagos, Nigeria.

“In Nigeria, many families build their homes step-by-step, purchasing cement and blocks in phases as funds become available,” Joel said. “But once they reach the lintel level (the support and means of weight distribution over an opening, or the first component of a roof), completing the structure suddenly becomes a daunting challenge. Roofing requires a one-time payment that is simply out of reach for many low-income earners.”

Outpriced construction has led to hundreds of abandoned buildings throughout the country, which Joel says often turn into waste sites, hubs for criminal activity, or otherwise endanger the area.

Supretec Aluminum and Roofing exists to change this reality.

Since its launch, Supretec has completed over 50 roofing projects across Nigeria. These projects have focused on low-income earners, who use its flexible payment options to finally complete their homes.

“We want to empower families to finish and enjoy safe, durable homes while strengthening communities and building a more sustainable future for our country,” Joel said.

Supretec wouldn’t be where it is without Joel enrolling in the MBC program.

“The MBC program is unique in its hands-on, founder-focused approach, providing tailored support that directly addresses the specific needs of early-stage businesses like Supretec,” he said. “Unlike traditional programs, the MBC emphasizes solving real-time challenges, such as cash flow management for flexible payment plans, scaling a business model amid economic uncertainty, and sourcing affordable, quality materials in a fluctuating market.”

While in the program, Joel said he learned to stay adaptable and responsive to Nigeria’s economic challenges, changing his business model to include 3D roof planning, carpentry, and material sourcing – things he didn’t consider otherwise.

“These changes help us maximize the value chain and maintain our viability,” he said. “The MBC program has been invaluable in this process by ensuring that I can immediately apply new knowledge and insights to help Supretec grow.”

Joel is already well on his way to growing Supretec, with the goal to expand across Nigeria, and, eventually, throughout West Africa. He also plans to introduce solar-integrated roofing, which could provide not only shelter but also renewable energy.

“Our mission is not just about providing roofing,” he said. “It’s about offering solutions that address Nigeria’s broader housing challenges and making affordable, high-quality housing attainable.”

Learn more about Supretec at

About the Author:

Jacqueline Mumford Jacqueline is a master of accounting graduate from the University of Utah. Specializing in tax, she works as an accountant studying the intersection of government and business. In her free time, she runs, plays Candy Crush, and reads novels. Twitter: @jacqmumford and LinkedIn here.

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