7 Tips to Maximize Your Lassonde Experience

Embarking on your journey at Lassonde is like stepping into a world full of possibilities. It is an exciting blend of learning, personal growth, and community-building. Living at Lassonde Studios and being a member of the community at the Lassonde Entrepreneur Institute is not just about obtaining a degree, or opening a business; it’s about growing as a person and getting a holistic education. Having lived in Lassonde for the past two years, I can tell you this: what you get out of it depends on what you put into it. Here are some tips to maximize your Lassonde experience:

Harness the Power of the Make Space

At Lassonde, we’re gifted with the Make Space, featuring equipment from 3-D printing machines to sewing machines, and even a woodshop. These tools aren’t reserved solely for new product creation or business owners. During my freshman year, I needed a shelf. Instead of buying one, I built it in the Make Space. Even without prior experience, Lassonde provides a safe space to experiment, try, fail, and ultimately succeed.

Try 100 Things and Fail at All of Them

Now that you’re in college, it’s your time to grow. Try new things and embrace failure. How can you learn and grow if you don’t step outside your comfort zone? You have to fail in order to become a better person. Lassonde is the perfect place for this. Lassonde has so many programs and opportunities, take all of them. Take every single opportunity like it’s your last. Whether it be going to a workshop, or taking an entrepreneurship class. This is your time to grow, and it is in your hands to take that first step.

Foster Meaningful Connections

Living at Lassonde allowed me to forge lifelong friendships. You’ll cross paths with an array of individuals. You will be constantly meeting new people each and every day. Ensure to connect with them in some form or fashion. You never know who these people could be. These people might be passing acquaintances, or they could transform into future roommates, lifelong friends, or even your future spouse. Easy ways to connect include attending events, joining Lassonde online groups, or using the connections whiteboards on the first floor.

Utilize Every Single Lassonde Resource

Lassonde has a plethora of programs and resources. If you are fortunate enough to live here, make sure to take advantage of them. We have initiatives like Get Seeded, facilitating small grants for starting your venture. Programs spanning semester to year like Lassonde Founders and Company Launch exist to propel your product idea or company. We offer workshops and Hours with Experts, providing opportunities for skill enhancement and one-on-one conversations. Additionally, we offer competitions, like the Utah Entrepreneur Challenge, in which you can compete with other like-minded entrepreneurs in hopes of gaining the funds to propel your business. Take advantage of these resources, you never know what could happen.

Learn to Say ‘Yes’ & ‘No’

Dorm life introduces you to a swarm of people and activities. Whether it’s academic or social, learning to say “yes” or “no” might be required. Everyone I’ve encountered leans either toward academics or social life. In college, it’s about finding a balance. Dorm life offers an integrated education incorporating social and soft skills, alongside academics. At times, you’ll have to prioritize studies over socializing, confronting your fear of missing out. If you lean more towards academics like myself, sometimes it will require you to say “yes” and get out of your comfort zone. Regardless of your preference, strive for a balance of academics and social life for a well-rounded education.

Embrace the Uncomfortable

Your first year at college might be daunting, especially when it’s a completely new environment and potentially your first time away from home. If you’re anything like me in my first semester, you might find yourself shying away from the discomfort, but this approach doesn’t usually lead to the most enjoyable experience. It’s important to remember that everyone else is navigating the same unfamiliar waters, and we all grow and thrive together through this discomfort. I encourage you to say “yes” to things you’ve never done before. One of my neighbors every morning would come knock on my door and wake me up. He would invite me to go climbing each morning. Every morning I said “no,” as I was scared of heights. However, one day I decided to lean into the discomfort, and much to my surprise, I immediately fell in love with climbing. The experience taught me that embracing the unfamiliar can lead to unexpected joys. So, remember to lean into the uncomfortable and seize opportunities you might not have considered before.

Savor Every Moment

If there is one thing that you will take away from this piece, it should be this: take in every moment. Speaking from experience, your time living at  Lassonde Studios and being a member of the community will pass in the blink of an eye. Every single semester I’ve been at Lassonde, it always seems to end as soon as it began. All the friends you’ve made, the late nights, the laughter, the marathon study sessions, the emotional highs and lows – you’ll remember and cherish it all. There will come a day when you’ll find yourself missing these experiences. So, live every single day to its fullest. Lassonde is a magical place. It has given me some lifelong friendships, and some experiences that I will remember for a lifetime. As a resident it is your responsibility to take advantage of these moments and cherish every single one of them.

About the Author:

David Kale David Kale, a Lassonde Studios resident and community member, is pursuing a degree in operations and supply chain. Outside of the classroom, he finds joy in writing musicals, practicing photography and cinematography, and learning any new skill he can.

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