Nine student startup teams received milestone grants at the Get Seeded Final Pitch Event in February 2018 at Lassonde Studios. See below for a list of teams and their product ideas. Get Seeded is a monthly milestone grant funding program open to all college students in Utah. The first step is to apply online. Top teams advance to the Final Pitch Event, where they pitch to an audience that votes on who gets funded. All university students in Utah are welcome to apply for grants. Learn more and apply for the next funding opportunity here:
NALZA – $1,840 – Prototyping
Jae Jae Yoo spends his time between being a student and a professional speed skater designing unique covers for ice skating blades. His product, NALZA, is making inroads with several professional athletes and promises to redefine the skate-cover industry. Check them out online at
Fishskyn – $2,000 – Prototyping
Are you looking for a high-quality scratch resistant cover for your Apple computer or phone? Thomas Fischetti has been designing Fishskyn covers for a few years and is now ready to move into a full-scale business. This cool covering will provide a unique feel and protection that is lightweight, sleek, and protective. Check them out on Instagram at @fishskyn.

Bernese Mountain Dogs
@Bernesedaily – $500 – Prototyping
Ethan Annis, a current MBA student at the David Eccles School of Business, operates a Bernese Mountain Dog Instagram account with over 125,000 followers. Inspired by his own experience of sharing a water bottle with his slobbery puppy, he set out to create a two-in-one water bottle for both owner and doggo and plans to market it to his Instagram followers. Follow him on Instagram: @bernesedaily.
Weg’s Seasoning – $2,000 – Prototyping
Nathan Finch is a man with a tasteful plan to spice up everyone’s life. Weg’s has come a long way since his October milestone, and is becoming a seasoned competitor in the gustatory enhancement business. Look for him in your local grocery stores, or follow him online at
Alice XR – $1,513 – Prototyping
Sebastian, Kyle and Skyler are on a mission to create the most immersive virtual-reality experience ever, complete with neuromuscular feedback. Building a prototype is step one in their plan of bringing this cool technology to market.

The public is welcome to attend and watch the Get Seeded Pitch Events.
EZApply – $1,175 – Prototyping
We’ve all experienced the drudgery of filling out yet another redundant online job application. Matt Brzowski and Ethan Hind want to make applying to jobs as easy as autocompleting fields so you can apply to several more jobs at the same time.
Inflatable Crash Pad – $630 – Prototyping
Bouldering is a short-distance climbing sport that uses crash pads for safety instead of ropes and harnesses. Hiking into a bouldering spot can take hours, and crash pads are typically heavy and cumbersome. Leon Hasic, a materials science student, wants to use science to simplify life for outdoor bouldering enthusiasts.
ZekeS – $1,000 – Prototyping
This team of creative storytellers captivated the crowd with their simple solution to dice rolling. They are creating an app that will complete the mundane dice rolling task automatically, allowing games to play out faster with more accuracy. Ask about ZekeS at your local gaming store.
MounTins – $842 – Marketing
Aaron Dobron and Austin Scaccianoce are creating custom coasters for Park City travelers and natives alike. Their solution is to provide unique coasters for a nominal fee that provide discounts and incentives for people to visit new restaurants.