President’s Message: Student Innovation @ the U 2024

Welcome to the 2024 edition of “Student Innovation at the U.” Inside this annual publication, you will learn about one of the most exciting things happening at the University of Utah: our students’ transformation into changemakers who generate real-world impact through their creativity, innovation, and entrepreneurship. I hope you find their stories as inspiring as […]

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Credits: Student Innovation @ the U 2024

“Student Innovation at the U” is an annual publication celebrating student innovation and impact at the University of Utah. A digital version is available at This publication is produced by the Lassonde Entrepreneur Institute, an interdisciplinary division of the David Eccles School of Business and the hub for student entrepreneurs and innovators at the […]

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Resource Directory: Student Innovation @ the U 2024

ArtsBridge: An interdisciplinary arts education outreach program. ArtsForce: A two-day conference for art students to learn about how to share their creative work. Arts Entrepreneur: Connect with your peers, learn the value of your skills, and explore connections between the arts and entrepreneurship. Associated Student of the University of Utah (ASUU): A […]

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Company Launch Startup Teams for Spring 2024

Meet the 19 startup teams in our Company Launch program at Lassonde Studios for spring 2024. They are a diverse group of students working in many different industries. Find a complete list below. Company Launch offers these startup teams office space at Lassonde Studios, cohort gatherings, workshops, staff coaches, peer mentors, and more. All students at the […]

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