Three student startup teams received $5,138 in milestone grants at the Get Seeded Final Pitch Event in September 2018 at Lassonde Studios. See below for a list of teams and their product ideas.
Get Seeded is a monthly milestone grant funding program open to all college students in Utah. The first step is to apply online. Top teams advance to the Final Pitch Event, where they pitch to an audience that votes on who gets funded. All university students in Utah are welcome to apply for grants.
The program is managed by the Lassonde Entrepreneur Institute at the University of Utah and sponsored by Zions Bank.
Learn more and apply for the next funding opportunity here:

Mercury Boards
Mercury Boards — $1,500
Mercury Boards is working to make your cross-campus commute easier by bringing to market an electric longboard. Mercury’s exclusive boards offer enhanced speeds at a low price with a customizable deck.

Octagon Fully Immersive VR
Octagon Fully Immersive VR — $2,500
Octagon brings a fully immersive, location-based VR arena to the gaming community. The platform combines full-body tracking technology with a modular physical space to bring a customizable, adrenaline-boosting experience to videogame enthusiasts.

Winter Athlete Foundation
Winter Athlete Foundation — $1,138
The Winter Athlete Foundation provides resources for pipeline athletes to sharpen their professional skills and build their resumes. The foundation targets long-term growth to prevent athletes from marginalizing a career while focusing on their Olympic dreams.