Seven student startup teams received $6,453 in Get Seeded milestone grants in the round ending in February 2022. This includes regular grants and microgrants for this period. See below for a list of teams and their product ideas.
The final event for the regular grants was hosted at Lassonde Studios. It included live startup pitches, free food, and public voting to see who received grants.
Get Seeded is a milestone grant funding program open to all college students in Utah. The first step is to apply online. All university students in Utah are welcome to apply for grants.
Students requesting more than $500 follow a three-step process, concluding at the final pitch event, where they pitch to an audience that votes on who gets funded. Students requesting $500 or less — called microgrants — are funded after a two-step process.
The program is managed by the Lassonde Entrepreneur Institute at the University of Utah and sponsored by Chad and Kristen Anselmo.
Learn more about Get Seeded and apply for a grant here:
Regular Grants

Sava (Brigham Young University) — $1,500
SAVA is an interactive, sexual-assault prevention platform that gives students resources to protect themselves wherever they go. It is paid for by universities, which get access to impactful sexual-assault prevention education, as well as Title IX compliant education to protect their students.

Aether Masks
Aether Masks (University of Utah) — $1,500
Aether Masks has developed a novel surgical mask that provides users with a comfortable, fog-free solution while maintaining high standards in bacterial filtration and efficacy. This innovative, fog-free mask technology and patented design will be licensed to existing mask manufacturers in both the healthcare and consumer markets. Final patent submission is expected soon.

Calisto (Brigham Young University) — $1,423
Spun out of BYU, Calisto is the developer of the “Insight Smart Flow Meter.” The “Insight Smart Flow Meter” is a custom-made Bluetooth device that connects to Pest Control Technicians’ backpack sprayers. As they complete their spray services, it automatically records how much, where, and when pesticides were applied for quality control, government compliance, customer communication, and inventory management. All of this data is resumed in a neat dashboard for executives to make decisions.
Elijah’s Deli (University of Utah) — $1,000
Elijah’s Deli strives to be a gathering place for the community. By bringing people together over food and art, they create an authentic deli experience anywhere in SLC.
Mizu Yama (University of Utah) — $500
Mizu Yama is an outdoor recreational company that specializes in odd-end outdoors equipment.
Diamondball (University of Utah) — $400
Diamondball is a new game that is designed with accessibility in mind. Nearly any one of nearly any athletic ability can learn the game and play it in a matter of minutes, but at the same time, the game is exciting and fun for everyone, even the most athletically capable. Diamondball is portable, sets up in one minute, and can accommodate games from two players all the way up to 12.
Built-In Gear (University of Utah) — $130
Built-In Gear is developing a safety pair of pants that merges a harness with a pair of pants. The goal is to make it more comfortable and easier to move around in day-to-day life while wearing a harness if needed.