Improved Online Collaboration

When Carter Davis, Dallin Childs, Anthony Diep, and Paul Muehleip were tasked with creating a senior capstone project to complete their computer science major at the U, they decided to create something that would improve teamwork online. Enter the decentralized web application “CRUV,” or, Create, Read, Update, Vote.

This web application uses blockchain technology to provide tools for collaboration, give incentives for team contributions, create and update projects using voting tools, and track the progress of teams. The possibilities for implementing CRUV are endless — some potential options are business startups and local governments. Using this application also helps increase the transparency and security of online collaboration.

“During development, we identified some other uses as well,” Davis said. “Something that might be really good is a city government — showing how they are transparently handling the funds and having votes created by members of the city council.”

The students spent two semesters working on this project — the first brainstorming and the second creating CRUV as it is today. They began with mockup plans written on pieces of paper, and through a process of trial and error collaboratively improved it to fit the needs of today’s digital society. All four founders of the project have recently graduated. They are all going in different directions and don’t have any immediate plans to move forward with the application, though they may decide to continue working on it in the future.

About the Author:

Avatar photo Gracie is a senior at the University of Utah. She is majoring in Marketing and minoring in Psychology. Gracie is from Heber, Utah and enjoys hiking, skiing, and travelling. Instagram: @gracie.maren and

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