Here are photos from our events and activities in January 2020 at Lassonde Studios. During the month, we awarded grants, attended workshops, decorated cupcakes, and more. All U students are welcome to attend our events and live here. Find upcoming events and activities on our online calendar:
Latest News
Interwoven: Integrating Board Games and Digital Games
Does your family only play board games, but you prefer to play video games? Interwoven has solved the ultimate family night battle through integrating board games and video games into one game for everyone to enjoy. Interwoven is a board game/digital game design startup company. It began in 2018 by founder Nicole Martino, co-founder Kazimar […]
Valence: From an Idea for Better Shipping Logistics to Acquisition
Shipping is a major part of business as more and more people order products online and expect packages within days. Even small shipping errors, when repeated many times, can cost companies thousands of dollars or more. A team of graduate students in the Lassonde New Venture Development Center started researching ways to help companies improve […]
eSym: Improving Lives through Motivational Interviewing
Motivational interviewing is an evidence-based approach used by counselors, educators, medical professionals, correctional officers, and others to change patient or client behavior. It can help people smoke less, exercise more, follow through with recommendations, keep commitments, and more. A team of faculty, professionals, and students at the University of Utah hope to make motivational interviewing […]
The Entrepreneurial Mindset: How to Think Like an Innovator
Anyone can be an entrepreneur. But, it takes a certain energy, passion, and commitment to get there. You must have an “entrepreneurial mindset,” ready to tackle any challenge, meet all obstacles, and constantly be on the lookout for solutions. Fortunately, you can learn this mindset by participating in programs like those at the University of […]
What Students Learn in Entrepreneurship Classes, Minor, or Major
Students at universities and colleges can major, minor, or simply take a class or two in entrepreneurship. Entrepreneurship is greater than starting a business: it’s creativity, innovation, design, leadership, and more. Students continue to gravitate toward the growing field, adding more diversity, challenge, and opportunity every year. What are they learning by studying entrepreneurship? To […]
Video: 2019-20 Opportunity Quest
Vitapul, a startup developing a new injection device for medical applications, won the grand prize at the 2019-20 Opportunity Quest competition at the University of Utah in January 2020. Watch this video for highlights from the final event at Lassonde Studios. Learn more about Opportunity Quest at
VIDEO: H2One Launches Water-Purification Device in HSUEC
Learn about H2One, one of the past teams in the High School Utah Entrepreneur Challenge. The company is developing a water-purification device for the on-the-go backpacker. By using battery-power from a cell phone and a more efficient ultraviolet purification methods, the company is are able to reduce size, weight, ease of use, sterilization time, and […]
Video: Make Space at Lassonde Studios
Come build something in the Make Space at #LassondeStudios. All students the University of Utah are welcome to use our tools here for any purpose. Safety training is required for the wood and metal shop. Learn more at
Vitapul Wins $5,000 Grand Prize at 2019-20 Opportunity Quest
Vitapul, a company developing an injection device that stores medication in a way that extends its shelf-life, won first place and the $5,000 grand prize at the 2019-2020 University of Utah Opportunity Quest business-model, executive-summary competition today. Ten teams advanced to the final judging and awards event at Lassonde Studios. The competition is managed by […]