Students in the U's new Entrepreneurship Study Abroad program traveled to Costa Rica during spring break.

Students Travel to Costa Rica in New Social Entrepreneurship Program

Want to study entrepreneurship while traveling the world? A group of lucky students in the new Social Entrepreneurship Abroad program took the program’s first trip over spring break, traveling to Costa Rica. The group of 28 students and staff visited three cities, three colleges, one elementary school and a community group. They worked to identify ways to bring value to the people of Costa Rica.

During the trip, the Social Entrepreneurship Abroad group started working on business ideas and have continued to develop them after leaving Costa Rica. They hope to solve day-to-day problems students and families are currently facing in the visited areas. The group plans to implement the solutions they came up with during future visits, and they hope the program will continue to serve as a mechanism for transformational experiences. In addition to their entrepreneurial efforts, the group engaged in a humanitarian service project, providing much-needed school supplies to impoverished elementary school students as well as teaching English lessons.

Entrepreneurship professor and renowned CEO David Bradford supported the trip with a very generous donation for educational supplies.

Founded in fall 2014, this program has gained momentum and support from students and the University of Utah. Organizers hope to expand this international trip into new sections for upcoming semesters.

To engage in these trips, students of any major first must take ENTP 1010 and 1020 the semester prior to the desired trip. These classes are academically accredited and part of the University of Utah. Upcoming trips planned include include Moab (summer 2015) and Thailand (fall 2015).

Learn more about these entrepreneurship course and the related entrepreneurship certificate program at

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