How to Make Faster, Better Decisions as an Entrepreneur

No matter what stage of the entrepreneurship journey you’re in, big decisions will always be looming. Morgan Williams Brown, a Master of Business Creation (MBC) graduate and CEO of Blendyd Studios, recently led a Lassonde for Life workshop, “The Cost of Indecision,” to help you escape the “functional freeze” and make the smartest, quickest choice […]

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7 Tips for Navigating Conflict as an Entrepreneur

If you’re a student, an early-stage founder, a full-fledged entrepreneur, or just exploring entrepreneurship, one thing connects us all: conflict. In whatever environment or circumstance, you’ve undoubtedly had a disagreement with someone. Lesli Shooter, a performance and well-being coach, advisor, and consultant focused on high-performance and elite sports, sees conflict all the time. In fact, […]

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Alumni Entrepreneurs Share 6 Tips for Startup Success

Navigating the startup space can be challenging. Prototyping, finding and securing customers, and managing growth all present puzzles to solve. Every entrepreneur has a unique experience and can offer valuable advice to others. A Lassonde for Life workshop entitled Alumni Entrepreneur Panel featured entrepreneurs sharing tips for success. Lassonde for Life is a free and […]

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6 Ways to Master Mental Fitness for Entrepreneurs

Mental fitness is important for entrepreneurs. A strong mind can stay calm and collected in adverse circumstances. How can entrepreneurs hack their minds and train their brains? A workshop entitled “Mental Fitness for Entrepreneurs,” offered by Lassonde for Life tackled this question. The program is provided by the Lassonde Entrepreneur Institute at the University of Utah and […]

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