Intro to the World of Digital Marketing

Entrepreneurs are notorious for giving marketing efforts a backseat to product development, funding and other immediacies. This oversight costs them. A solid marketing strategy should be built into the business plan from the start and implemented as soon as you have a minimum viable product (MVP). As Mark Cuban says, “sales cure all.” The inverse corollary would be that a dearth of sales dooms an enterprise.

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Entrepreneurs Are the Future of Large Corporations

The current rate of technological acceleration truly is unprecedented. At no time in human history has life changed so dramatically so frequently. Business is one facet of society that is especially affected by this change. Large corporations are struggling to adapt in such a technologically dynamic world. Whether it is giants like Kodak, which filed for […]

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What It Means to Be a Student at the U

The University of Utah encourages interdisciplinary collaboration and entrepreneurship. Excellence in education is paired with the support needed to pursue ideas through hands-on experience. Inside “Student Innovation @ the U,” you’ll see how incredible students at the University of Utah, and their ideas, are prospering in this environment. You’ll also find many tips and ideas […]

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Why Business Needs Humanities Students

Editor’s Note: We invited writer and U humanities student Bailey Shelden to report about how entrepreneurship needs diverse students from arts, English and beyond. Below is what she discovered. What do a new residence building, entrepreneurship, and the humanities have in common? The answer may surprise you. It is hard to miss all the construction projects […]

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