Interview: Taylor Randall, Dean of U of U’s Business School

Don’t miss this new podcast with Taylor Randall, the dean of the David Eccles School of Business, on KCPW. Randall discusses the Lassonde Entrepreneur Institute, Lassonde Studios and the future of business education at the University of Utah. The Lassonde Institute is an interdisciplinary division of the Eccles School. Listen to interview here

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5 Tips to Take Your Startup Abroad

No one doubts the benefits of thinking outside the box for your business. But as today’s trade tends to favor the crossing of oceans into increasingly diverse markets, consider updating this age-old recommendation. Whether for the business tenderfoot or the entrepreneur with wanderlust, think instead outside the borders with these five tips …

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5 Lessons for Student Entrepreneurs

Matt Allred is a junior in entrepreneurship at the University of Utah and owner of J.Bones Clothing. While working on his degree, he has already launched several companies and a has variety of experience. His latest experience was traveling to Kansas City, Mo., with Symptomly, a U startup that is advancing mobile health with their symptom […]

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Student innovation sets the U apart

When you think about innovation at the U, you might immediately think of faculty research and commercialization. That is critical and impressive, but it’s only one piece of the picture. Thousands of students — from middle schoolers to post-docs — also play a central role through many unique programs, competitions and opportunities. These students are […]

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