Seven student startup teams received $9,597 in milestone grants at the monthly Get Seeded Final Pitch Event at Lassonde Studios for February on Feb. 26. See below for a list of teams and their product ideas.
Get Seeded is a monthly milestone grant funding program open to all college students in Utah. The first step is to apply online. All university students in Utah are welcome to apply for grants.
Students requesting more than $500 follow a three-step process, concluding at the monthly Final Pitch Event, where they pitch to an audience that votes on who gets funded. Students requesting $500 or less — called “micro seed grants” — are funded after a two-step process.
The program is managed by the Lassonde Entrepreneur Institute at the University of Utah and sponsored by Zions Bank and Chad and Kristen Anselmo.
Learn more about Get Seeded and apply for a grant here:

ArtCiel — $2,500
ArtCiel has created a new technology that allows any image, artwork, or design to be printed directly onto any surface. This reduces the difficulty, time, cost, and environmental impacts of applying various forms of artwork or graphics to walls. The company plans to use this funding to launch a marketing campaign to attract more customers.

Live Martial Arts
Live Martial Arts — $2,500
Live Martial Arts is a local martial arts training company with a large online following. The founder has created online e-courses for learning various skills in martial arts and now plans to expand into providing e-courses for women to learn self-defense. The founder plans to use this funding to produce and create the videos for these new e-courses.

Sage & Co.
Saige & Co. — $2,000
Saige & Co. has developed a patented nursing cover that improves on existing models by providing the functionality for the mom to multi-task while feeding the baby. The company plans to use their funding to purchase enough inventory to fulfill current orders and scale their business.

Smart Ascent
Smart Ascent— $1,198
Smart Ascent is creating a device that allows rock climbers and belayers to communicate effectively, clearly, and efficiently despite obstacles such as rock features, wind, rivers, and distance, which may lead to dangerous and fatal situations. The company plans to use the funding to begin prototyping their device and gather user feedback on the design.
Micro Seed Grants
Hot Pouch — $500
Hot Pouch is creating a pouch that can be added to a beverage to maintain a hot drinking temperature. The company plans to use the funding to test the heating ability of the pouch and prove their concept.
Svengali — $500
Svengali is a magician focused on providing education and a platform for other magicians to elevate their art form. He plans to use his funding to maintain hosting on his website to continue to create and provide content for his audience.
No Society Media — $399
No Society Media is a video and content creation company. The founder plans to use the funding to purchase a drone that she can use to create new video content for clients and attract new clients to her business in a competitive market.