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Rugged Components: Designing the Future of Bike Tools

Identify, refine, resolve. This design process is followed by Evan DeGray, a Lassonde Studios resident and Multi-Disciplinary Design major at the University of Utah in nearly all of his pursuits, and it has proven worthwhile and effective in both his academic and entrepreneurial ventures. Founder of Rugged Components LLC, a company borne out of a need […]

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Dinner at Yours: Serving Food and Culture at Your Home

Can you really have culture without food, or food without culture? Hossein Dadkhah and Shahrzad Jalili would say they go hand in hand, but many dining experiences may fail to present food within the appropriate cultural context. Dadkhah and Jalili share a passion for travel, along with the desire to provide people with a uniquely […]

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Portal Power Wins $5,000 in Opportunity Quest at the U

Student startup Portal Power won $5,000 and first place in the 2016-2017 University of Utah Opportunity Quest (OQ) business-plan competition. Ten collegiate teams advanced to the final judging and awards event. The competition is managed by students at the Lassonde Entrepreneur Institute at the University of Utah and sponsored by Zions Bank. Other top teams included Neiybor and Grace […]

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