Wow, what a summer! This was definitely one to remember. We started by quickly moving all our programs and events online due to COVID-19. But our students persevered. They entrepreneured at home while taking advantage of our many virtual opportunities. Congratulations to all our student entrepreneurs navigating this challenging period, and thank you to all […]
Latest News
5 Myths about Pitching to Investors
Sooner or later, you will probably start thinking about attracting investors to help grow your company. You will need more money when you run out of personal funds or friends and family willing to help. Before you start reaching out to potential investors, it’s important that you know what you are doing. You could create […]
VIDEO: Entrepreneuring from Home
How are you entrepreneuring from home during the COVID-19 pandemic? In this video, Pure Ware, Wyetta, Parq, Beacon Sleep Solutions, Alive Entertainment, and True Adherence give us an update on what it’s like to work from home. Learn more about these startups and others launching at Lassonde here:
7 Things to Know about Accounting when Starting a Business
Accounting might not be the most interesting topic when you’re starting a business. It brings to mind complex spreadsheets and hours scavenging for receipts. But your business depends on good accounting. You started a company to make money – or at least run a sustainable enterprise – and you will never achieve this without tools […]
9 Tips to Get Started with Digital Marketing as an Entrepreneur
So, you want to do some digital marketing for your company? But you’re wondering about how to get started and what things you must be doing now and what things can wait? You’ve come to the right place. This article will help you answer those questions and prepare you to attract new customers using the […]
Resources for Utah Startups to Navigate the COVID-19 Pandemic
As the COVID-19 pandemic continues to spread, businesses and entrepreneurs around the world are struggling. Across Utah, private equity firms, state government programs, universities are stepping up with support, resources, and more to get your startup back on its feet, or help you launch. Below is a sampling of those resources and others from around […]
Blyncsy Launches Contact Tracing System for COVID-19
The COVID-19 pandemic has forced a new term to enter our lexicon, “contact tracing,” and a University of Utah startup company, Blyncsy, is developing a technology solution to make it more efficient on college campuses across the country and beyond. The system is called Mercury. It uses Wi-Fi networks to track the movement of people […]
Support Student Entrepreneurs Impacted by COVID-19
Inspired by a $150,000 matching gift from Pierre Lassonde, the Lassonde Entrepreneur Institute is raising funds to support students affected by COVID-19. Support for our entrepreneurs is critical during this time of uncertainty. Your generosity will help students impacted by current events to realize their dreams through scholarship assistance. During this time, donations will aid entrepreneurs at […]
6 Legal Tips Every Entrepreneur Should Know
At some point, all startups need legal help. You will need to form a company, protect your intellectual property, divide ownership, and more. For a first-time founder, it can become overwhelming to think of all these things when you’re still developing your product and pulling together your team. But don’t avoid it. You will want […]
Tips for Working from Home from Our Community
The Lassonde community is staying engaged through our fun social media challenges. Our latest challenge was for everyone to share a work tip on Instagram that has helped them stay on-task and organized while working from home. Read through the other tips below. We hope some of them will help you. Everyone who participated was […]