Bret Heale, a biomedical informatics master’s student, led the development of a search interface to personalize a patient’s experience in genetics clinics worldwide. “Clinicians are highly educated, but they don’t always have all the information they need to answer every question,” Heale said. “The ClinGen genomics search interface was designed to assist them in caring for patients.” The interface uses a context-aware information retrieval reference standard, “OpenInfobutton,” to provide searches of credible online resources to aid clinicians in providing specialized care. Context such as age, gender and medical history can be used in the standard. “We hope that folks will use the interface in clinical practice to retrieve the right genetics-related information at the right time,” Heale said. The software is now available for public use.

Redefining Personal Care
Find this article and a lot more in the 2016 “Student Innovation @ the U” report. The publication is presented by the Lassonde Entrepreneur Institute to celebrate student innovators, change-makers and entrepreneurs.