Cheri Blue is a first-year Ph.D. student studying special education. Her research, drawing on nine years of experience working as a speech-language pathologist in public schools, focuses on augmentative and alternative communication. Blue is researching the use of eye-gaze controlled communication systems. Eye-gaze devices use infrared trackers to detect eye movement, enabling users to make […]
Topic: Utah
Training Future Foster Parents
Ryan Dickison, Clay Diffrient, Sophia Gagakuma, Cheryl LaMar and Kyle Whittle are students pursuing a master’s of education in the instructional design and Education Technology Program. These students are working to update training materials for potential foster parents with Utah Foster Care. They learned that many prospective caregivers were not retaining information from existing training […]
Crepes with Culture
University of Utah students Daniel Damiani and Felipe Perrotti did not plan to make crepes when they first got the idea to start a food truck. Luckily, the idea of crepes took off and the U’s Lassonde Entrepreneur Institute awarded them a Get Seeded grant and a place in the Company Launch program to enlighten […]
Battling Food Insecurity
Connor Keller, a senior majoring in political science, noticed his peers struggling with food insecurity. “I started to research the problem and found that it’s very prevalent,” Keller said. “Across the country, around 30-40 percent of students skip a meal once a week.” Those who are food insecure do not have reliable access to healthy, […]
Environmentally Friendly Refuge
The University of Utah campus and community puts environmental impact and sustainability in high importance. Quaid Harding, president of the U’s Beekeeping Association and an undergraduate studying biology, is working to further this goal through installing a pollinator demonstration garden on campus. The garden will tackle many key environmental and social issues on campus: reducing […]
Cards & Books for Special Occasions
“What are you giving your dad for Father’s Day?” asked Miles Petty, an MBA student at the University of Utah, to an unsuspecting audience at the beginning of his pitch for The Care Tree at one of the Lassonde Entrepreneur Institute’s Get Seeded events. “You don’t know yet? Well …” and then, to the surprise […]
Join Us at UEC/HSUEC Awards & Showcase Event on April 15
Join us for the Awards & Showcase Event for the Utah Entrepreneur Challenge (UEC) and High School Utah Entrepreneur Challenge (HSUEC) at Lassonde Studios at the University of Utah on Saturday, April 15, at 4-6 p.m. Hors d’oeuvres and refreshments will be served. Everyone is invited to attend the event to meet the best aspiring entrepreneurs in Utah. Teams […]