Master of Business Creation Now Offered Online or In Person

The award-winning Master of Business Creation (MBC) program at the University of Utah’s David Eccles School of Business is expanding. Starting in January 2023, startup founders can enroll in the one-of-a-kind program through a new online option to participate in the program virtually. The priority application deadline to join the online program in January is […]

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29 students complete Lassonde+X program in 2021-22

A group of twenty-nine students competed the Lassonde+X program during the past year. Lassonde+X is a three-course program that allows any undergraduate student at the University of Utah to “entrepreneur your major” – the “X” is their major. The program is offered by the Department of Entrepreneurship & Strategy, in partnership with the Lassonde Entrepreneur […]

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20 founders graduate from the Master of Business Creation program in class of 2022

Twenty founders are expected to graduate in the class of 2022 from the award-winning Master of Business Creation (MBC) Full-Time program at the University of Utah’s David Eccles School of Business after finishing the 2021-22 academic year in May. This is the third group to graduate from this unique program designed specifically for entrepreneurs. The […]

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