Five student startup teams received $6,685 in Get Seeded milestone grants in the round ending in April 2022. See below for a list of teams and their product ideas.
The final event for the regular grants was hosted at Lassonde Studios. It included live startup pitches, free food, and public voting to see who received grants.
Get Seeded is a milestone grant funding program open to all college students in Utah. The first step is to apply online. All university students in Utah are welcome to apply for grants.
Students requesting more than $500 follow a three-step process, concluding at the final pitch event, where they pitch to an audience that votes on who gets funded. Students requesting $500 or less — called microgrants — are funded after a two-step process.
The program is managed by the Lassonde Entrepreneur Institute at the University of Utah and sponsored by Chad and Kristen Anselmo.
Learn more about Get Seeded and apply for a grant here:
Regular Grants

Breath of Life
Breath of Life (University of University) — $1,500
Choking is a possibility for anyone, anywhere. Breath of LIfe is a choking rescue device designed to be there when you need it, ready to save someone life in the unfortunate event of a choking emergency. The company anticipates entering the channels of distribution. It hopes to join forces with a similar emergency health saving device, the AED. Although it is still figuring out all the details, it is excited to save lives.

Lobo Way
Lobo Way (University of Utah) — $1,500
Logo Way is making a hammock that is viable for four seasons. It will achieve this by integrating an insulated sleeping pad into the lining of the hammock.

Smack Social
Smack Social (Brigham Young University) — $1,500
A group of jellyfish is called a Smack. Smack Social is the anti-FOMO app. Social media hinges on social comparison and the rising generation is sick of it. So it is taking the format of a social media app with a news feed, but instead of seeing pictures it’s all just events your friends are inviting you to and no algorithm.

Sundial (Brigham Young University) — $1,365
Sundial makes mounts for solar panels that tracks the sun throughout the day, making them more efficient. It’s mounts are specifically designed for slanted roofs in the residential market.

Linkie (Brigham Young University) — $1,000
Linkie is a colorful, screenless toy phone that helps grandparents connect with their young grandkids (ages 1-4 years-old). Grandparents record voice recordings through its mobile app and send them directly to the toddler’s toy, as often as desired. The toy is IoT enabled and downloads recordings in real time, helping form connections when not together physically. Linkie allows asynchronous, direct connection (bypassing the parents phone) to young grandkids without their own phone.