Training Future Foster Parents

Ryan Dickison, Clay Diffrient, Sophia Gagakuma, Cheryl LaMar and Kyle Whittle are students pursuing a master’s of education in the instructional design and Education Technology Program. These students are working to update training materials for potential foster parents with Utah Foster Care. They learned that many prospective caregivers were not retaining information from existing training […]

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Education through Eye-Gaze Tech

Cheri Blue is a first-year Ph.D. student studying special education. Her research, drawing on nine years of experience working as a speech-language pathologist in public schools, focuses on augmentative and alternative communication. Blue is researching the use of eye-gaze controlled communication systems. Eye-gaze devices use infrared trackers to detect eye movement, enabling users to make […]

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PreOv is Changing the (Fertility) Game

The team behind PreOv, a student startup developing fertility solutions for women, is comprised of studious, family-driven, career-oriented women. Joni Aoki, Jeanna Ryan and Young Hong are all studying at or have graduated from the U. Ryan is the president and CEO of PreOv. She has an MS in nutrition, master’s in computer information systems […]

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Training Police through Virtual Reality

Jed Merrill and other students in the Entertainment Arts and Engineering program created B.E.S.T., a virtual-reality simulator that helps police officers de-escalate potentially dangerous situations. The tool could help lower the more than 1,000 citizens killed by police officers per year. Learn more at More articles like this in ‘Student Innovation @ the U!’ […]

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Custom Education Plans

Most majors are a one-size-fits-all education plan that gives students a broad knowledge of an industry but lacks the various specific skills required for certain jobs. Tyson Florence, an Innovation Scholar and psychology major at the U, noticed this and created Gradalign, a company that helps students design a customized education plan and matches them […]

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