Redefining Personal Care

Bret Heale, a biomedical informatics master’s student, led the development of a search interface to personalize a patient’s experience in genetics clinics worldwide. “Clinicians are highly educated, but they don’t always have all the information they need to answer every question,” Heale said. “The ClinGen genomics search interface was designed to assist them in caring […]

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Clothing That Makes a Statement

Colby Russo, a freshman pre-business student, wants you to wear a shirt or jacket made by his company, Evōk Clothing. Yeah, you’ll look fashionable wearing it. But, more importantly, you’ll be wearing something with a message. You’ll be saying, “I support local artists, locally made products and fair pay for a day’s work.” Russo explains: […]

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Battle for Net Neutrality in New Game: 404sight

Net neutrality is one of the hottest topics today, and a team of 12 graduate students is helping bring attention to it in an unusual way. They created a video game, 404Sight, as part of the top-ranked Entertainment Arts and Engineering program. Its success has exceeded their expectations. They released the game for free in […]

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Business Front, Personality Back

As a freshman, Nathalie Linge recognized a need for more attractive, functional ties and began collaborating. Over the next year, INK Menswear was created. The idea: a tongue-and-tail-designed tie with a sleek, sophisticated front and a pop of pattern on the back. The design caters to those who must look professional for work or other […]

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Blam. Cancer. Blam. Cancer. Blam.

Cervical cancer is almost eradicated in the developed world, where detection is made quickly and treatments are readily available. But, in the developing world, where doctors and equipment are scarce, many more women die of the disease — as many as 90 percent of the 250,000 women who die of it annually. A transdisciplinary team […]

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