We are welcoming our L4 group of residents this year. In this video, you will get a glimpse into the move-in activities at Lassonde Studios. Learn more at lassonde.utah.edu/studios.
Category: Lassonde Studios
Learn more about the Lassonde Studios, the new home for student innovators and entrepreneurs at the University of Utah. The facility is a student residence, incubator and makerspace.
PHOTO GALLERY: July at Lassonde 2019
Here are photos from our events and activities in July 2019 at Lassonde Studios. During the month, we created things in our Make Space, hosted our Summer Demo Day, held workshops, mentored startups, awarded Get Seeded grants, and more. All U students are welcome to attend our events and live here. Find upcoming events and […]
Portal Power Raises $54K on Kickstarter
Aidan Daoussis is the inventor and founder behind the company, Portal Power, the world’s first portable charger within a cord. He launched the company from his dorm room at Lassonde Studios in 2016 and has since graduated with a degree in entrepreneurship. Through hard work and dedication to the idea, Portal Power launched their product […]
VIDEO: Lassonde Studios Outcome by Design
Lassonde Studios at the University of Utah was named a winner in the American Society of Interior Designers (ASID) inaugural Outcome of Design Awards. This video was produced by ASID to highlight the Lassonde Studios building and success since it opened in 2016. The awards program highlights innovative designers and businesses that focus on the […]
Photo Essay: The Make Space at Lassonde Studios
Whether you want to work on a class project or get back into your favorite hobby, the Make Space at Lassonde Studios has all the tools you need to be successful in your endeavors. There are always Make program mentors here to help. The Make Space is open for use to all University of Utah […]
Inspiring Makers across Campus
Being the chairman of the Make Program at the Lassonde Entrepreneur Institute looks great on a resume, but many other aspects of the role are even more rewarding. Christopher Holland, a senior mechanical engineering student at the University of Utah and resident at Lassonde Studios, has been able to develop many professional and personal skills […]
Photo Gallery: February at Lassonde
Here are photos from our events and activities in February 2019 at LassondeStudios. During the month, we hosted an interviewing Workshop, made dorm room decor, learned about sustainability from Cotopaxi founder Davis Smith, hosted a jazz jam session, 3-D printed Valentine’s Day gifts and a lot more. All U students are welcome to attend our […]
Photo Gallery: January at Lassonde
Here are photos from our events and activities in January 2019 at LassondeStudios and other places. During the month, we hosted a Finding Collaborators Meetups event, built serving trays and dorm decor in our Make It activities, awarded grants through Get Seeded and Opportunity Quest, traveled to South America in the Global Entrepreneur Program, and […]
Meet Mehrdad Yazdani: The Lead Designer Who Shaped Lassonde Studios
Looking back to when Lassonde Studios existed solely as an abstract idea, Troy D’Ambrosio, the executive director of the Lassonde Entrepreneur Institute, can vividly recall the process of selecting the building’s architect. For hours, he’d listened to different firms present to his team and show PowerPoints full of images of similar buildings they created. Then […]
Lassonde 400: Building a Community
Whether they are organizing enjoyable events or are hosting a captivating speaker, the Lassonde 400 program team is working hard to give Lassonde Studios residents exciting opportunities to be part of the community. Celine Cavanaugh and her associates are dedicated to ensuring residents can make new connections and be part of the Lassonde community. Lassonde […]