Lassonde Alumni Receives Ernst & Young Entrepreneur of the Year Award

A Lassonde Entrepreneur Institute alumni Josh Eckman recently received an Ernst & Young’s 2022 Entrepreneur of The Year award for its Mountain West region. Eckman is a co-founder and CEO of Carterra, a medical device company founded on University of Utah technology that helped develop COVID-19 therapies. We took the opportunity to catch up with […]

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WikiCharities: Global Impact Through Charity Validation

Excluding funding, what is the number one challenge facing nonprofits? Validation, according to Angela Holzer, founder of WikiCharities and a recent Master of Business Creation (MBC) graduate. As a humanitarian volunteer, nonprofit researcher and student, Holzer realized that a resource was needed to centralize and build trust between funders, users, and nonprofits. Thus, WikiCharities was born. […]

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LERC Medical Wins Grand Prize in 2022 Bench to Bedside Competition

After a multi-year hiatus, the Bench to Bedside Competition Night event returned to the Utah State Capitol Building in April, showcasing collegiate teams from across Utah during the 2021-22 competition season. More than 300 people attended the event. Led by the Center for Medical Innovation in partnership with the Lassonde Entrepreneur Institute, the Bench to Bedside […]

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