Four student startup teams received $9,150 in milestone grants at the monthly Get Seeded Final Pitch Event at Lassonde Studios on Sept. 25. See below for a list of teams and their product ideas.
Get Seeded is a monthly milestone grant funding program open to all college students in Utah. The first step is to apply online. Top teams advance to the Final Pitch Event, where they pitch to an audience that votes on who gets funded. All university students in Utah are welcome to apply for grants.
The program is managed by the Lassonde Entrepreneur Institute at the University of Utah and sponsored by Zions Bank.
Learn more about Get Seeded and apply for a grant here:

Baka Bros Entertainment
Baka Bros Entertainment — $2,500
Baka Bros Entertainment is making a speedrunning video game called “Kick Shot 2.” This game is a sequel project to their original video game, “Kick Shot,” with new mechanics that let the player try different ways to complete the levels, such as using a grappling hook, wall running, and rocket jumping. Baka Bros Entertainment plans to use their funding to build a playable grey-box prototype, and QA testing to determine what elements could be improved in this new game.

Vitapuhl Injectables
Vitapuhl Injectables — $2,500
Vitapuhl Injectables is developing a device that delivers life-saving epinephrine in a new and innovative way that keeps the medication more stable, extending its shelflife. Their device will keep powdered epinephrine separate from a saline solution, which will be mixed together directly before injection. This makes the medicine last longer and prevents it from going bad. Vitapuhl Injectables plants to use their funding to prototype and test their device.

ArtCiel — $2,350
ArtCiel is creating a new technology that allows any image, artwork, or design to be transformed and applied directly onto any surface. This is done by modifying an inkjet printer head to print on many different kinds of surfaces, not just paper. This technology can be used to create artwork or designs on walls for various companies and offices. ArtCiel plans to use their funding to manufacture and test their design for an innovative printer head, which could eliminate the extra step of pre-treating a surface before application.

Beacon Sleep Solutions
Beacon Sleep Solutions — $1,800
Beacon Sleep Solutions is creating an app called the Dream Defender that wakes people suffering from sleep disturbances. The app will be compatible with current smartwatches, which recognizes changes in heart rate, then vibrates or sounds an alarm to wake the user from their sleep disturbance. Beacon Sleep Solutions plans to use their funding to finalize and launch the beta version of the app, so they can begin to gather new data and get users for their product.