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Healthmates Nutrition: Aiming to Eradicate Child Malnutrition in Ghana

Joseph Danquah, a clinical dietitian and entrepreneur in Ghana, is dedicated to addressing the critical issue of child malnutrition in his country. Through his nonprofit, Healthmates Nutrition, Danquah is developing sustainable solutions to improve nutrition and health outcomes for children in underserved communities. He is using the knowledge and skills he is gaining as a […]

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Tasty Edits: How Video Creators Ensure Sustainable Channel Growth

Alex Lefkowitz is a creative spirit, talented video editor, and founder of Tasty Edits. Tasty Edits is a video editing service and YouTube channel management service for content creators and businesses. The company is focused on helping clients save time, quickly grow their online platform, and earn significantly more revenue. “I’ve always been interested in […]

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How to Make Faster, Better Decisions as an Entrepreneur

No matter what stage of the entrepreneurship journey you’re in, big decisions will always be looming. Morgan Williams Brown, a Master of Business Creation (MBC) graduate and CEO of Blendyd Studios, recently led a Lassonde for Life workshop, “The Cost of Indecision,” to help you escape the “functional freeze” and make the smartest, quickest choice […]

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