We hosted the inaugural 2019 Utah Entrepreneurship Program Summit on May 30-31 at the University of Utah Campus. We welcomed all staff, faculty and student entrepreneurship program leaders at universities, colleges and high schools across the state to attend. Below are images from this event. Learn more about the summit here: lassonde.utah.edu/summit.
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Photo Gallery: May at Lassonde 2019
Here are photos from our events and activities in May 2019 at Lassonde Studios. During the month, we kicked off our summer programs, welcomed new startups, met some new friends, hosted many events, awarded Get Seeded grants, held the inaugural Utah Entrepreneurship Program Summit and more. All U students are welcome to attend our events […]
VIDEO: Lassonde Studios Outcome by Design
Lassonde Studios at the University of Utah was named a winner in the American Society of Interior Designers (ASID) inaugural Outcome of Design Awards. This video was produced by ASID to highlight the Lassonde Studios building and success since it opened in 2016. The awards program highlights innovative designers and businesses that focus on the […]
VIDEO: Get Seeded Monthly Grant Program Overview
Learn about the Get Seeded monthly milestone grant program offered by the Lassonde Entrepreneur Institute at the University of Utah. All university students in Utah are welcome to participate. Apply online at lassonde.utah.edu/getseeded.
Get Seeded Awards $7,605 in Grants in May
Four student startup teams received $7,605 in milestone grants at the monthly Get Seeded Final Pitch Event at Lassonde Studios on May 29. See below for a list of teams and their product ideas. Get Seeded is a monthly milestone grant funding program open to all college students in Utah. The first step is to apply […]
U. of Utah launches master’s degree specifically for entrepreneurs
The David Eccles School of Business at the University of Utah is taking its top 10 ranked program for entrepreneurship to new heights with a master’s degree designed for serious entrepreneurs. The degree is called the Master of Business Creation (MBC), and it’s the first of its kind. Applicants must be full-time entrepreneurs who want […]
Photo Essay: The Make Space at Lassonde Studios
Whether you want to work on a class project or get back into your favorite hobby, the Make Space at Lassonde Studios has all the tools you need to be successful in your endeavors. There are always Make program mentors here to help. The Make Space is open for use to all University of Utah […]
PureWare: Sustainable and Collapsible Utensils
Rachyll Faeth, a marketing and entrepreneurship student at the University of Utah, and her brother Jonny Faeth, a design student at the U, are “helping the Earth in every way they can,” through their startup company, PureWare. As they were sitting in the Miller Cafe at Lassonde Studios one day, they watched as people grabbed […]
A Guide to Meditation for Entrepreneurs (Your Success Depends on It)
Entrepreneurship is perhaps one of the most invigorating fields you can participate in. It gives you the opportunity to create something brand new and give it to the world. The creation of something new is by no means an easy task, there are many hurdles along the way. In response to knowing the daunting task […]
Find Your Pitch Using Pitchbook: Marriott Library Resources
Pitchbook is a new business research database from the Marriott Library. PitchBook contains information on private equity deals, venture capital deals, mergers, acquisitions and more. Use PitchBook to establish benchmarks, find real-time data on deals and gather information on investors and competitors. Things you can do with Pitchbook Find valuation or financing of companies such […]