PreOv, a student startup developing a fertility monitoring technology that helps people with family planning, won first place and the $5,000 grand prize at the 2018-2019 University of Utah Opportunity Quest business-model, executive-summary competition today. Ten U teams advanced to the final judging and awards event. The competition is managed by students at the Lassonde […]
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Top 10 Team Videos: Opportunity Quest 2018-19
Watch this video playlist to learn about the top 10 teams in the University of Utah Opportunity Quest competition for 2018-19. Opportunity Quest is a statewide business model competition. The Lassonde Entrepreneur Institute hosts branch OQ competitions across the state at the University of Utah and partner universities. All participants are judged by industry […]
AskManny: HSUEC Winner Feature Video
Watch this video to learn about AskManny, one of the winners of the 2018 High School Utah Entrepreneur Challenge, statewide business idea competition. AskManny combines all the facets of planning a school dance into one easy-to-use platforms. For the students planning the dance, the app functions like a combination of Groupon and Yelp. It […]
Meet Mehrdad Yazdani: The Lead Designer Who Shaped Lassonde Studios
Looking back to when Lassonde Studios existed solely as an abstract idea, Troy D’Ambrosio, the executive director of the Lassonde Entrepreneur Institute, can vividly recall the process of selecting the building’s architect. For hours, he’d listened to different firms present to his team and show PowerPoints full of images of similar buildings they created. Then […]
AskManny: App for Planning High School Dances
Dances are a common event at high schools across the nation. Despite the popularity of these events, three students at Herriman High School — Edison Velasco, Maelyn Dougher, and Peyton Williams — saw a problem. These dances can often be very difficult and expensive to plan and execute, especially when lead by students with limited […]
Workshops at Lassonde: Build Your Skills
The goal of the Workshop program at the Lassonde Entrepreneur Institute is to provide insightful tips and secrets to the trades taken on by entrepreneurs. We go beyond the business classroom to provide experts’ tips and experiences in everything from financial planning to HTML coding. Our hour-long seminars allow students to participate in a collaborative […]
From Oscilloscopes to 3-D printers, the Make Space at Lassonde Studios has It All
In the Make Space at Lassonde Studios, students are welcome and encouraged to collaborate to turn their dreams into reality. This is made possible with the variety of tools and machines. The Make Space is also home to the Make program, which offers weekly safety training and fun Make It events. While this space is […]
A Guide to Student-Driven Entrepreneurship
We had a clear vision when we started what is now the Lassonde Entrepreneur Institute at the University of Utah — to create a program that welcomed all students to take a risk and learn by doing. We felt the key to engaging as many students as possible was to put students at the center of […]
Lassonde 400: Building a Community
Whether they are organizing enjoyable events or are hosting a captivating speaker, the Lassonde 400 program team is working hard to give Lassonde Studios residents exciting opportunities to be part of the community. Celine Cavanaugh and her associates are dedicated to ensuring residents can make new connections and be part of the Lassonde community. Lassonde […]
Lassonde Studios, Diversity and How Entrepreneurship Thrives off of Difference
Living at Lassonde Studios is competitive — accepting only 400 residents out of the roughly 1,500 students who apply every year. While the spots are limited, resident activity is not. Residents busy themselves with projects of all sorts. This isn’t a surprise; as the hub of the entrepreneurial program on campus, residents are typically those […]