Higher-Speed Internet

Most smartphones are capable of smoothly streaming five high-definition videos at one time. Ever experienced that? Probably not. It might be because we all share the same cellular tower to receive internet on our phones. Jonathan Hedstrom and George Yuen, U electrical engineering student/graduate, have been working to improve wireless connectivity for everyone. “We’re not […]

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New Experience in Latin American Film

Karem Orrego, a U film and media arts student from Lima, Peru, showed dedication to storytelling by founding the Crisol Film Initiative, “a place to see different experiences, and learn something from them,” Orrego said.  “Crisol,” a Spanish word for crucible or melting pot, is an intercultural version of Sundance. Orrego’s successful production congregated intercultural […]

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A Helpful Reminder

It’s noon, your phone buzzes, and you’re reminded that this time tomorrow you should be in the doctor’s waiting room. Samuel Vincent, a nursing PH.D. student, identified that most members of the homeless population have no access to such modern convenience. Vincent, together with a team of U undergrads spearheaded by capstone student Hannah Hendrickson […]

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Better Communities Through Banking

A team of U students went from knowing very little about community banks, which serve local communities, to winning a national case study competition and meeting Federal Reserve Chair Janet Yellen. Team members included Jenny Flatberg-Lambson, Changsu Lee, Kurt Alan Moore, Brett Welker and Brent Uberty, working with business professor Jack Brittain. They researched how […]

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