Join Us for Entrepreneurship Day!

Interested in entrepreneurship at the University of Utah? Want to learn how to get more involved in our nationally ranked program? We invite all to join us for “Entrepreneurship Day” on Thursday, Feb. 25. We have lots of fun activities planned – student-startup product giveaways, panel, film screening, info sessions, pitch event and more! See the […]

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Credits: ‘Student Innovation @ the U’ 2016

About publication “Student Innovation at the U” is an annual publication celebrating student innovation and impact at the University of Utah. A digital version is available at Have questions? Want to nominate a student to be featured? Or do you want to become a contributor? Email or call 801-587-3836. Presented by “Student Innovation […]

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Blam. Cancer. Blam. Cancer. Blam.

Cervical cancer is almost eradicated in the developed world, where detection is made quickly and treatments are readily available. But, in the developing world, where doctors and equipment are scarce, many more women die of the disease — as many as 90 percent of the 250,000 women who die of it annually. A transdisciplinary team […]

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Live Create Launch @ Lassonde Studios

The Lassonde Studios is the new home for student entrepreneurs and innovators at the University of Utah. Opening in fall 2016, the building will provide space for living, creating and launching new companies and initiatives. All students are welcome to use the “garage” on the first floor and apply to live here. Residents join the […]

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More than $400K in Scholarships Available Next Year!

If you love entrepreneurship, want to be a student leader and could use a scholarship, then listen up. The Lassonde Entrepreneur Institute is more than doubling its student leadership and scholarship opportunities for next year – to more than 200 positions and $400,000 in scholarships during the 2016-17 academic year. Many of the new opportunities […]

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SenseTech Wins $5,000 in Opportunity Quest at the U

Student startup SenseTech won $5,000 and first place in the 2016 University of Utah Opportunity Quest (OQ) business-plan competition today. Ten teams advanced to the final judging and awards event. The competition is managed by the Lassonde Entrepreneur Institute at the U and sponsored by Zions Bank. Other top teams included Aura Optics and Peke-Buo, […]

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Win $22K in New High School Idea Competition

If you’re a high school student with a product or business idea, your lucky day could be coming soon. The Lassonde Entrepreneur Institute at the University of Utah just opened a new high school idea competition, the High School Utah Entrepreneur Challenge (HS UEC). All students throughout Utah, ages 14-18, are welcome to compete for […]

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Evok Clothing: Clothing that Makes a Statement

Colby Russo, a freshman pre-business student at the U, wants you to wear a shirt or jacket made by his company, Evok Clothing. Yeah, you’ll look fashionable wearing it. But, more importantly, you’ll be wearing something with a message. You’ll be saying, “I support local artists, locally made products and fair pay for a day’s work.” “The […]

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