Bench 2 Bedside Seeking Student Leaders

Bench 2 Bedside, a student medical-device competition program, is currently seeking student leaders for the coming year. It is building a committee to recruit participants, organize events and aid teams in getting their medical devices to the finish line. This is a unique opportunity to work closely with several different colleges and the community at large in bringing […]

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Year in Review: E-Club Awards $103K in Seed Grants

The U’s Entrepreneur Club (or E-Club) awarded $60,000 in seed grants through the Get Seeded program in spring 2015 for a total of more than $103,000 during the 2014-2015 year. One hundred and fourteen teams consisting of 200 students from universities around the state applied for grants. Of those teams, 67 were invited to pitch […]

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U Alum Wins $150K to Develop Ligament Repair Device

U alum and inventor Dolly (Holt) Casper’s company NovaBio Technologies won the grand prize and $150,000 at the international OneStart competition recently. NovaBio, formerly known as Ligadon, is developing a coil-shaped and biodegradeable device that holds together tendons and ligaments like a “Chinese finger trap.” It distributes tension, decreasing risk of reruptures and the need for […]

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University of Utah student innovators rake in big bucks at Rice University business competition

A medical innovation company founded by a team of University of Utah students won big — to the tune of $153,000 — at the prestigious Rice University Business Plan Competition held April 16-18 in Houston. Launched by a team of bioengineering and medical students at the University of Utah’s 2012 Bench-2-Bedside competition, Veritas Medical created […]

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Lassonde Institute to Be Featured on Pac-12 Networks

The Lassonde Entrepreneur Institute and University of Utah will be featured in a new documentary on Pac-12 Networks. The film is titled “Conference of Champions,” and the segment profiling the U is expected to air for the first time on May 3 at 10 p.m. (MST). The documentary is expected to profile each of the universities in the Pac-12 […]

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Cinluma wins Grand Prize at Bench-2-Beside Competition

More than 20 teams of University of Utah students participating in the university’s fifth annual Bench-2-Bedside competition unveiled their projects Wednesday night at the Utah State Capitol Rotunda. Judges rated the medical innovations, and the results are in. Cinluma won the $15,000 grand prize. The team of Kris Loken, Timothy Pickett, Brian Charlesworth, Jennwood Chen, […]

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