4 Tips for Protecting Your Intellectual Property

As a law school graduate (not a licensed attorney), I empathize with many of my dear friends on the state of the legal market. As an entrepreneur, I lick my chops at the cutthroat opportunities it affords early-stage companies. Bringing together these two perspectives, here four tips for protecting your intellectual property (IP) and hiring […]

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Money for Your Startup Idea! An Overview of Grant Programs at the U

Many students hold onto amazing ideas because they lack funding. Ideas can be anything from social movements to devices that make life easier. But lack of funding is no longer a reason to stop developing your ideas. The Lassonde Entrepreneur Institute helps you innovate by providing many funding opportunities. All students are welcome to participate. […]

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2017-18 Company Launch Startups in Residence

Here’s a look at the 2017-18 startups in the Company Launch space (in alphabetical order): BitStreet — Creating cryptocurrency trading bots defined by various strategies and parameters. Blerp — Making audio clips as fun, shareable and viral as GIFs by creating the world’s best soundboard. blerp.com Bushwhack — An outdoor lifestyle brand in pursuit of […]

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CloviFi: TV Audio Transmission through Wi-Fi

Wireless transmission of audio to headphones and speakers gained popularity since the birth of Bluetooth technology in 1994. Although Bluetooth audio transmission technologies offer convenient ways for consumers to listen to audio transmitting sources, new inventions and products challenge existing Bluetooth and radio frequency products by providing additional features, using modern Wi-Fi technologies that otherwise […]

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Thirst Drinks: A Soda Mixology Store Serving ‘Superior Customer Service’

Embracing an entrepreneurial spirit from a very young age, Ethan Cisneros, a marketing student at the David Eccles School of Business, got his start with a lawn mowing business at the age of 12. After expanding this venture for a number of years, Cisneros went on to found a business hanging Christmas lights during the winter months. Continuing to move forward in his commercial undertakings, he […]

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