The prevalence of social media means that no matter what your age, you probably have an Instagram account. This has forever changed the world of marketing, transforming online advertisement into an interpersonal endeavor that requires constant maintenance. Yet the dominance of existing influencers, organizations, and businesses can be overwhelming for someone just creating their first […]
Category: Tips & Tricks
Get advice for creating a new product and launching your idea. Our authors are faculty, staff, students and professionals. Read what lessons they can share about ideation, prototyping, company formation, law, marketing and more.
Top 20 Student Business-Plan Competitions
Say you have an awesome idea for a startup, something with real potential. There is, however, a pretty big problem: launching a business isn’t cheap, and as a student or recent graduate, it’s difficult to finance a business on your own. But, your idea is good. So what happens next? We’ve compiled a list of […]
Josh Feng Q&A: Entrepreneurs Create Benefits for Individuals, Consumers & Communities
Josh Feng is an assistant professor in the Department of Entrepreneurship and Strategy at the David Eccles School of Business at the University of Utah. After receiving an undergraduate degree AB in applied mathematics from Harvard College, he pursued a Ph.D. in economics from Harvard University. His research interests are in intellectual property, entrepreneurship, and […]
Jack Brittain Q&A: Success is about Making Real Connections
Jack Brittain is a professor in the Department of Entrepreneurship & Strategy at the David Eccles School of Business at the University of Utah, as well as the Pierre Lassonde Presidential Chair in Entrepreneurship. He designed the Master of Business Creation program, a partnership between the Eccles School and the Lassonde Entrepreneur Institute, which was […]
5 Signs You Might be an Entrepreneur
If you’re reading this, you’re probably asking yourself, “Am I an entrepreneur?” But answering that question is harder than it may seem. Being an entrepreneur is more than starting a company. It’s a lifestyle and a mindset, and not everyone has what it takes. To help you find out if you’re an entrepreneur and sort […]
Tips for Opening Your First Restaurant
We have all heard the story of a young chef with a love for food, whose eagerness to share their passion pulls them into the glamorous lifestyle of being a business owner. This romanticized story leaves out the difficult details of starting your own business. Stepping into a market already saturated with large corporate restaurants […]
How to Thrive as a Female Entrepreneur
Being a female entrepreneur comes with unique challenges, like accessing funding, defying social expectations, and lack of representation in the workplace, and in the press. However, there are a growing number of opportunities, and now is the time to succeed as a woman founder. The number of female entrepreneurs is growing, and they are thriving. […]
3 Marketing Tips for Arts Entrepreneurs
Marketing is a daunting task for artists just starting their career. Those without much experience marketing themselves may feel overwhelmed by the idea of initiating conversations to increase their opportunities. It can be intimidating to create the connections you need to grow your network and create a make a living as an artist. To help […]
How to Build a Team with Diversity, Equity & Inclusion
We all know the benefits of a diverse team. It brings skillsets that promote effective collaboration and cooperation. Seeking diversity isn’t the final destination however — it’s the first step towards an inclusive environment. To seek advice on how to not only create a diverse space but maintain an inclusive workplace, we invited two experts […]
3 Tips for Your Next Zoom Meeting
The word “zoom” has taken on new meaning, and we have all learned that conducting business through virtual meetings can be daunting and requires that we continuously navigate unexpected technical and interpersonal challenges. To help you feel more prepared for your next online interview, presentation, or business call, we met with Schaun Davis, a career […]