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Intro to the World of Digital Marketing

Entrepreneurs are notorious for giving marketing efforts a backseat to product development, funding and other immediacies. This oversight costs them. A solid marketing strategy should be built into the business plan from the start and implemented as soon as you have a minimum viable product (MVP). As Mark Cuban says, “sales cure all.” The inverse corollary would be that a dearth of sales dooms an enterprise.

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Utah High School Entrepreneurs Win $22K in Prizes

Utah’s best high school entrepreneurs won $22,000 in prizes at the inaugural 2016 High School Utah Entrepreneur Challenge (HSUEC) Final Awards and Showcase event today at the University of Utah. Sixty eight teams entered the competition. The top-16 teams advanced to the final event with business ideas ranging from surgical tools to fashion consulting. The […]

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Sorenson Impact Center: Leveraging Capital for Social Good

America has been waging a “war on poverty” at home and abroad for decades, spending trillions of dollars on social programs and aid packages. Despite all of this investment, chronic social problems like homelessness and economic insecurity persist. Innovative new strategies are being developed and tested around the country to holistically address these problems. The […]

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