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Better Biosensors

Making bioreactors cheaper is an important hurdle to making better drugs. Chemical engineering Ph.D. student Tram Nguyen is addressing this need by helping University of Utah startup Applied Biosensors create disposable sensors for single-use bioreactors. This will allow companies to reduce their capital and operation costs as well as improve their production times, safety and […]

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SenseTech Wins $5,000 in Opportunity Quest at the U

Student startup SenseTech won $5,000 and first place in the 2016 University of Utah Opportunity Quest (OQ) business-plan competition today. Ten teams advanced to the final judging and awards event. The competition is managed by the Lassonde Entrepreneur Institute at the U and sponsored by Zions Bank. Other top teams included Aura Optics and Peke-Buo, […]

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U, Village Inspiring Future Black Medical Innovators and Doctors

The University of Utah’s Lassonde Entrepreneur Institute, Office of Engagement, School of Medicine and Women’s Enrollment Initiative are partnering with The V(i)llage to inspire future black medical innovators and doctors by hosting a Medicine U college experience for middle and high school students on Feb. 12. Student participants are members in The V(i)llage, a comprehensive […]

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Win $22K in New High School Idea Competition

If you’re a high school student with a product or business idea, your lucky day could be coming soon. The Lassonde Entrepreneur Institute at the University of Utah just opened a new high school idea competition, the High School Utah Entrepreneur Challenge (HS UEC). All students throughout Utah, ages 14-18, are welcome to compete for […]

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Evok Clothing: Clothing that Makes a Statement

Colby Russo, a freshman pre-business student at the U, wants you to wear a shirt or jacket made by his company, Evok Clothing. Yeah, you’ll look fashionable wearing it. But, more importantly, you’ll be wearing something with a message. You’ll be saying, “I support local artists, locally made products and fair pay for a day’s work.” “The […]

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