For the seventh straight year, The Princeton Review ranked the University of Utah as one of the top 25 schools in the country in 2018 for entrepreneurship education in a new survey released today. Led by the David Eccles School of Business and its Lassonde Entrepreneur Institute, the University of Utah ranked No. 15 for undergraduate and No. […]
Category: Announcements
Browse our many announcements for news and updates about our many programs related to entrepreneurship, innovation and business at the University of Utah.
Diversity, Hiring & Why It Matters: 3 Lessons
I’m a 20-something-year-old, Caucasian, American, male living in Utah. Diversity is not the first thing anyone thinks when they meet me. And rightfully so. I’m part of the most privileged class of people in the world. Not only was I born in a developed country, am I college educated, come from Caucasian descent but I also […]
7 Startups Receive Get Seeded Grants in October
During a special Halloween-themed pitch event, seven startups received grants through the Get Seeded monthly grant program. Ten teams participated in the pitch event, some dressed up for the event. The program is managed by students at the Lassonde Entrepreneur Institute and sponsored by Zions Bank. Here are the teams that received funding, the amounts and […]
5 Startups Receive Grants at September Get Seeded Event
Over 30 teams applied to the monthly Get Seeded grant program in September, and six were chosen to participate in the Final Pitch Event on Sept. 25. On a brisk autumn evening at Lassonde Studios, six teams pitched to an audience of over 100 people to decide which of their businesses would be funded. With […]
4 Tips for Protecting Your Intellectual Property
As a law school graduate (not a licensed attorney), I empathize with many of my dear friends on the state of the legal market. As an entrepreneur, I lick my chops at the cutthroat opportunities it affords early-stage companies. Bringing together these two perspectives, here four tips for protecting your intellectual property (IP) and hiring […]
Lassonde Institute releases annual report for 2016-17
DOWNLOAD REPORT: Learn about the success of our first year in Lassonde Studios in our new annual report. Read annual here (PDF). The Lassonde Entrepreneur Institute, an interdisciplinary division of the David Eccles School of Business at the University of Utah, released its annual report for 2016-17. It shows significant growth and achievements after opening […]
Bench to Bedside Kicks Off 2017-18 Season: Compete for $80K!
The Bench to Bedside 2017-18 season begins this month with a Kick-Off Event on Sept. 21 and concludes with the Competition Night in April 2018. Top teams are awarded more than $80,000 in prize money to support further project development. This exciting and vibrant program at the University of Utah introduces multi-disciplinary students to the […]
VIDEO: Lassonde 400 L2 Move-In
Our new residents moved into Lassonde Studios for the 2017-18 academic year. They are the Lassonde 400 L2 group. Watch this video to see how move-in went. We can’t wait to see what they accomplish this year. Learn more at
Checklist for Starting Your E-commerce Business
There are so many benefits with selling products or services online. Relatively easy to start, flexibility, scaling, data-tracking, working remotely and so much more. With that being said, it may be easy relative to starting a physical brick and mortar business, but there is still a lot to learn and it is definitely still hard […]
CloviFi: TV Audio Transmission through Wi-Fi
Wireless transmission of audio to headphones and speakers gained popularity since the birth of Bluetooth technology in 1994. Although Bluetooth audio transmission technologies offer convenient ways for consumers to listen to audio transmitting sources, new inventions and products challenge existing Bluetooth and radio frequency products by providing additional features, using modern Wi-Fi technologies that otherwise […]