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Guest Lecture: Walt Maguire Vertica CTO, Advanced Analytics for Gaming

Please join Walt Maguire, Vertica CTO, for any informative presentation on Vertica and advanced analytics for gaming starting at 8 a.m. on Tuesday, Jan. 17, at Lassonde Studios. Breakfast will start at 8 a.m. followed by the presentation at 8:30 a.m. Maguire has 30 years of experience in analytics and data technologies. He practiced data […]

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Games4Health: A Global Competition with $60K in Prizes

The Games4Health Challenge is an annual competition that invites college students to design a health-promoting digital game. Using game mechanics, participants create games that motivate healthy changes in behavior.  Registration is now open for the 2017 Games4Health Challenge, and this year’s sponsored prize money totals $60,000. Added to this year’s list of challenge categories is […]

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HackTheU: When Hacking and Disrupting are Good

Fifty years ago, if you described someone as a “disruptive hack,” the comment would be interpreted as less than flattering. But in the 21st century, “hacker” and “disruptor” can be positive descriptors for tech savvy creatives who come together for hackathons, competitive events that combine communal brainstorming and creative collaboration. On Friday, Nov. 11, designers, […]

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Get Seeded: Almost $13K Awarded in November

The Get Seeded business pitch competition awards funding to help student startups move forward with their next milestone. Get Seeded finished off the calendar year strong with the November Final Pitch event held at Lassonde Studios. In all, eight student-run startups pitched to the audience and received enough votes to be funded for a combined […]

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Lassonde Helps Student Inventors Get Seeded

On a Thursday in October at the new Lassonde Studios, dozens of excited students gathered, many bringing with them new inventions and ideas. The event is known as Get Seeded, it’s held several times a semester, and students from across campus are invited to join the fun, learn about new inventions and eat free food. […]

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New Tools for Inventors at Lassonde

When Thad Kelling, marketing and public relations director for the Lassonde Entrepreneur Institute, outlined for me the mission of their big, new, copper-clad building on campus (1701 Student Life Way), I was understandably impressed. The ground floor of Lassonde Studios and its resources, he stressed, are open to all students on campus — not just […]

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