5 Things to Consider to be a More Environmentally Conscious Entrepreneur

Every entrepreneur should know how to be environmentally conscious. Learn how by considering the five things below. My intention is not to prescribe guidelines for conduct, but rather to initiate a conversation so that we can collectively decide what the right vision of the future is, and how we act in accordance. 1. Realize that we […]

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Q&A: Breaking into the Big Data Industry

If the startups that entrepreneurs created were reflections of their minds, Mark Pittman’s Blyncsy – a company that generates and aggregates big data from any internet-connected device – would fit the bill. It’s because of Pittman’s desire to make sense of an interconnected world that Blyncsy successfully secured $2.6 million in venture capital from Pelion Venture […]

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Student Perspective: Innovation is about Building Self & Community Conscientiousness

As the producer of BIOTA, a science documentary web series focused on educating millennial audiences about creating symbiosis in their world, entrepreneurship is essential. BIOTA started in 2013, when my close friend Sabah Ul-Hasan and I discussed our angst of my having experienced prejudice working as women of color in our fields, for me as […]

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From the Faculty: The Telescope and the Microscope

Successfully founding a startup is hard. One of many challenges is the necessary shifting between your long-term vision for the business, on one hand, and rigorous short-term testing of critical hypotheses about it on the other. I call these different perspectives the telescope and microscope. The telescope represents the big-picture vision for a startup. It’s […]

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