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The New York Times Features Lassonde Studios

Don’t miss this! The New York Times featured the Lassonde Studios in a new article about facilities designed to inspire innovation at campuses around the country. The article, titled “The Innovation Campus: Building Better Ideas,” highlights how the Lassonde Studios and other buildings are paving the way for a new type of environment that is designed to spur […]

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Student Perspective: Innovation is about Building Self & Community Conscientiousness

As the producer of BIOTA, a science documentary web series focused on educating millennial audiences about creating symbiosis in their world, entrepreneurship is essential. BIOTA started in 2013, when my close friend Sabah Ul-Hasan and I discussed our angst of my having experienced prejudice working as women of color in our fields, for me as […]

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Training Police through Virtual Reality

What started out as a thesis project for six graduate students in the Entertainment Arts and Engineering program at the University of Utah soon turned into a life-saving idea for countless police officers. B.E.S.T Police Training Simulator is a virtual-reality simulator that helps police officers de-escalate potentially dangerous situations that cause many fatalities. There were […]

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From the Faculty: The Telescope and the Microscope

Successfully founding a startup is hard. One of many challenges is the necessary shifting between your long-term vision for the business, on one hand, and rigorous short-term testing of critical hypotheses about it on the other. I call these different perspectives the telescope and microscope. The telescope represents the big-picture vision for a startup. It’s […]

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