Seven student startup teams received $8,547 in milestone grants at the monthly Get Seeded Final Pitch Event at Lassonde Studios on April 29. See below for a list of teams and their product ideas. Get Seeded is a monthly milestone grant funding program open to all college students in Utah. The first step is to apply […]
Topic: Get Seeded
Get Seeded Awards $6,850 in Grants in March
Four student startup teams received $6,850 in milestone grants at the monthly Get Seeded Final Pitch Event at Lassonde Studios on March 25. See below for a list of teams and their product ideas. Get Seeded is a monthly milestone grant funding program open to all college students in Utah. The first step is to apply […]
VIDEO: How to Prepare for Get Seeded Final Pitch Event
Watch this video for an overview of what to expect at the Get Seeded Final Event. This video is designed for teams that have been selected through initial screening rounds to pitch at the monthly final event. Learn more about Get Seeded at
Attend Demo Day, Get Seeded Final Event & Alumni After Party on April 29
Join us at Demo Day on Monday, April 29, at Lassonde Studios. The main event will be 5-7 p.m. followed by an Alumni After Party at 7-8 p.m., where you can connect with old friends and meet some new ones. Demo Day is our wrap-up party for the academic year, the final Get Seeded pitch […]
Get Seeded Awards $7,476.91 in Grants in February
Four student startup teams received $7,476.91 in milestone grants at the monthly Get Seeded Final Pitch Event at Lassonde Studios on Feb. 25. See below for a list of teams and their product ideas. Get Seeded is a monthly milestone grant funding program open to all college students in Utah. The first step is to apply […]
Clockwork Forge Games: Exploring the Klondike
Clockwork Forge Games is a video-game development team led by Entertainment Arts & Engineering students at the University of Utah. With the release of their first game, “Hyperborean Charter,” the team is excited to show everyone the world they’ve built. “Hyperborean Charter” takes place in the far north in a climate like the Klondike and […]
Get Seeded Awards $6,920 in Grants in January
Three student startup teams received $6,920 in milestone grants at the monthly Get Seeded Final Pitch Event at Lassonde Studios on Jan. 28. See below for a list of teams and their product ideas. Get Seeded is a monthly milestone grant funding program open to all college students in Utah. The first step is to apply […]
Get Seeded Awards $6,100 in Grants in November
Seven student startup teams received $6,100 in milestone grants at the monthly Get Seeded Final Pitch Event at Lassonde Studios on Nov. 26. See below for a list of teams and their product ideas. Get Seeded is a monthly milestone grant funding program open to all college students in Utah. The first step is to apply […]
Get Seeded Awards $5,910 in Grants for October
Three student startup teams received $5,910 in milestone grants at the Get Seeded Final Pitch Event in October 2018 at Lassonde Studios. See below for a list of teams and their product ideas. Get Seeded is a monthly milestone grant funding program open to all college students in Utah. The first step is to apply online. Top […]
SitUP: Helping People Sit Up Affordably
As a music performance major, students often face the question: What are you going to do with that? Looking back, Stella Markova’s answer might be unexpected. The University of Utah student has dedicated the last year to creating a homecare product with help from the Lassonde Entrepreneur Institute SitUP. Markova’s husband first came up with […]